Office Hours: Growth Hack


Join Mix & Stir for this invitation only event: 

January 16, 2012, 6 – 9 PM
California College of the Arts
1111 8th St, San Francisco, CA 94107

Mix and Stir Office Hours is a series of invitation-only events focused on user growth and exclusively for entrepreneurs.

Founders and leads will be invited to participate and chosen startups will be selected to take the “hot seat”, receiving direct feedback on their products from design, behavioral sciences and technology mentors in this office hours style format.

See how the latest in behavioral insight, experience design and data science can help solve the biggest challenge most startups face: grow their user base as fast as possible.

No pitches, no staged demos, no hard sells. Just real startups looking for maximum growth.

The Panel:

  • Maria Guidice, CEO and Founder of Hot Studio
  • Stephen Kosslyn, Director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University
  • Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Chief Scientist and co-founder of Topsy

Criteria to present:

  • You have working beta product
  • You’re a founder, co-founder or product lead
  • You’re tackling an interesting business, user or technical challenge
  • You have a product you can demo on stage

* Please note that office hours is a no-pitch zone. This is a community where founders can connect and collaborate in solving startup challenges. This isn’t a pitch night nor is it for anyone without at least a beta product.  And, while we have relationships with many great service providers, this night is for startups only.

 More about our Panelists:


Rishab Aiyer Ghosh – Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, Topsy

Topsy provides instant and deep, comprehensive analyses of hundreds of billions of Tweets and web pages gathered from millions of unique websites, blogs and social media services.

As Chief Scientist at Topsy, Rishab leads one of the largest “big data” projects on the planet, expected to index and measure approximately 250 billion items by end of 2012, with over 16 trillion pre-computed metrics.

In 2000, at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, Ghosh started the Collaborative Creativity Group, the leading research group on the economics of free/open source software, Wikipedia and other forms of collaborative innovation. He has extensively researched and published how reputation works and motivates others in online communities, collaborating with Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge and Tsinghua Universities, with grants from the US National Science Foundation and European Commission. Ghosh is also a board member of the Open Source Initiative.


MariaMaria Giudice, CEO & Founder, Hot Studio

Hot Studio is an award-winning experience design company with offices in San Francisco and New York City whose clients include Cisco, Warner Music Group, Charles Schwab, Zinio, Ancestry, SFMOMA, and California Academy of Sciences.

Maria’s career began in Richard Saul Wurman’s East Coast office, where she was an early practitioner in the then-nascent fields of information architecture and design. Her experience led to work as co-author and designer of several award-winning books including Elements of Web Design, a guide for print designers crossing over to the Web, and Web Design Essentials.



 Stephen Kosslyn, Director, Stanford Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences

CASBS was founded in 1954, and has hosted generations of scholars and scientists who come for a year as Fellows. Former Fellows include 22 Nobel Laureates, 14 Pulitzer Prize winners, 44 winners of MacArthur “Genius Awards,” and hundreds of members of the National Academies.

Prior to his appointment leading CASBS at Stanford in 2011, Kosslyn was John Lindsley Professor of Psychology and Dean of Social Science at Harvard University, having previously been chair of the Department of Psychology at Harvard University.

Kosslyn is known primarily for his research and theories on mental imagery and works on visual display design, showing how psychological principles can be used to produce displays that can be read at a glance. Most recently, he has extended this work to showing how psychological principles of perception, memory, and comprehension can be used to make and deliver impactful information.

Kosslyn has published over 300 scientific papers and written or co-authored 15 books and edited or co-edited 13 books and has two hobbies: playing electric bass guitar and struggling with the French language.
